Product Test Shots 3

The following photos in this blog post are of my third/finale attempt at my Product Photography Assignment. I had decided to start a new and take what I had learned from my previous shots in my past two test shots and rework them to make something that I would be more pleased with. I began by gathering props for my photo.

I went outside into my garden and gathered multiple tulip petals as I thought they would give a more organic and real look than the fake flowers I used in my previous test shots.

I decide to once again use the fake rose which I used in my previous shots as I love the golden color it gives off on its stem and also the bright shine you get from light bouncing off it.

I of course needed my product which I used in my other shots too which was the Dolce & Gabbana perfume called "The One". I was hoping that the brownie/golden look of the liquid inside would go well with the golden color of the roses stem.

I found this small rounded lamp hidden in my room and thought it would be a great lamp to place behind the product as it could give off a framed look to the result. The only issue I would have is the disco ball in the middle which would show through the glass of the perfume.

A mirror which I borrowed from my sister, I figured I would have fun and see if I could reflect some sort of light source onto the product, give it a more rounded/soft look.

I used the two same light sources that I used in my previous Test shots. This one is a lot softer and more colorful so I figured I might try reflecting it using the mirror.

This light is brighter and a lot more spread out. I planned on using this to add white to the dark atmosphere around the product. 

This time instead of using my blue wall I wanted to find something I could make a white background out of so I grabbed one of my WW2 World Maps and figured I could flip it inside out so I would have a clear white background for my product.

Finally, I cut up multiple pieces of cardboard and closed off the widows so no natural light could enter the room.

I began to setup the scene by placing the poster on the wall and sticking it down with Blu tack. 

I placed the Perfume in the centre of the white background and began to organize the petals as best as I could I wanted them to be evenly spread out but not too organized. 

I Placed the small rounded lamp in behind the product and started to take some shots with my phone. This shot is taken upside down as I loved the angle, it made the perfume seem so much bigger and made the black floor semi out of focus. Sadly, it is a little too dark, so I decided I would try adding that soft lamp.

I Positioned the mirror in front of the product and as such positioned the lamp at an angle which would reflect a soft pink like light onto the product. By pushing the lamp back and forth I could control how big the spread was and how bright.

And this is what I ended up with a beautiful pink/sunset color being reflected onto the product now this did give the an issue which was a shadow but I tried my best to make the shadow as hidden behind the finale shot as possible.